Me Time in the #MeToo Era
Me Time in Puerto Rico
Sometimes I feel a little blue not being active with One of Us this past year. I constantly remind myself that taking Me Timein the Me Tooera is healthy for myself. I took a step back to breathe and new voices stepped forward to share their truth.
I had to step back from constant bombardments of information and conversations about sexual violence as I dealt with increased symptoms of PTSD. I also needed to step forward in other directions in order to reset and refresh. Thankfully, stabilized medication combined with healthier coping mechanisms helped with stepping forward in other areas of life in order to accomplish personal and career goals.
I share the below as a reminder to myself that although I may feel stagnant in one area of life that I have been very active in others.
Baby Girl @DelilahtheSammy, travels, and DC/Baltimore friends.
Personal Development
Brought home the most adorable and sassy Delilah the Samoyed pup. Check out her adorable puppy photos and videos on Instagram- @delilahthesammy. You won’t regret it.
Purchased a car and relearned how to parallel park after 9 years of not driving.
Relaxed and explored new travel destinations including Peru and Puerto Rico.
Moved from DC and a beloved community; slowly building a community in Baltimore.
One of Us on Amazon, guest speaker at different community events, and Beer≠Blowjobs campaign.
Personal Projects
Published and made available online paperback versions of One of Us: Sex, Violence, Injustice. Resilience, Love, Hope. Engaged in community events and shared my truth.
Produced the Beer≠Blowjobs campaign (needs to be revitalized and completed).
Leadership roles within the International Social Work Organization at UMB and within the Returned Peace Corps Volunteer community in Baltimore, Maryland.
Lead the International Social Worker Organization at UMB as President.
Organizer within the RPCV/Baltimore group.
Fellow at the National Peace Corps Association, trafficking consultant at Catholic Relief Services, 5 years at Peace Corps HQ, and finally got that Masters in Social Work.
Career Development
Completed 5 years within the Office of Safety and Security at Peace Corps HQ.
Designed framework for an RPCV Support Network at the National Peace Corps Association.
Co-wrote the Guide to Counter Trafficking Programming at Catholic Relief Services.
Graduated with a Masters in Social Work/ Community Action & Social Policy from the University of Maryland, Baltimore. First year, worked full time in addition to classes. Second year, worked full time while taking classes and also completing a 16 hour a week practicum. Third year was a breeze with only classes, 24 hours of practicum, and leading student group.
Started my 8th year of public service with the Federal Government.
I’m excited about gradually engaging in conversations and sharing knowledge gained through grad school. I can finally breathe again after a few years of survival; now I am excited to pursue that life of significance