What Happens Every 107 seconds?
Class handout on VAWA related informatoin
Another sexual assault occurs according to the US Department of Justice's National Crime Victimization Survey.
For our class policy presentation, we were also tasked with creating a handout. Combining information from multiple websites that would be relevant to an audience of future social workers, the basic topics were chosen:
- General intimate partner statistics
- Statistics for different groups including Native Americans and LGBTQ
- Campus specific information with Title IV and the required student training
- How to support individuals who are experiencing violence (this section is slightly cut off in the photo)
- Pertinent websites with resources (rainn.org, National DV Hotline, National Suicide Prevention Hotline) and films (Invisible War about military sexual assault, and The Hunting Ground about campus sexual assault)
I must say, the professor, Dr. Negi, thanked me for explaining what was in the brochure to the rest of the class. Dr. Negi also said that the brochure was the best she had seen. The time I have spent at my full time job learning inDesign, layouts, and tailoring information to different populations has really helped.
What resources or other information do you think would be helpful for future social workers when it comes to violence against women or gender based violence?