Then email us at! Send us the following information and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Contact information
- Name
- Phone Number
- Affiliation/Organization
- Organization website
Event or interview request information
- Date or date range of request
- Event or project description
- Remote or in person?
- City
- State
- Proposed event time
- Anticipated ages of the attendees
- Ideal participation of the speaker
Potential topics include the following
- The survivors experience
- The important role of each person a survivor comes in contact with
- Taking an active role against sexual violence as an individual, in our community, and society at large.
- Bystander intervention
- Sexual violence continuum and the underlying issues
- Changing the conversation around sexual violence
- Working through trauma when working with others who have experienced trauma
- Life after trauma- friendships, dating, workplace, and galore.
- Self care when it feels like the world is bombarding you
- Suggest one!